A form of water soluble nutrient solution complete with important NPK nutrients, amino acids, trace elements and enzymes specifically formulated for oil palm. Our products had been tested in various oil palm estates at many locations in Peninsular Malaysia. Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) weight is expected to increase 20 – 30% within 6 months of application. On the long run, increasing the FFB yield by two fold is what we aim to achieve.
Below two pictures indicate that Oil palm trees growing on sand of ex-mining land suffering from severe multiple nutrient deficiency
The heaviest fruit bunch weighting 80 kg harvested from an oil palm tree treated by our spraying program. Location of the farm is near Tras town of Pahang. Name of farmer: Zulkifli Bin Jumai.
Mr Wong owner of the 20 acres of 3-4 years oil palm trees growing on sand of ex-mining land at Slim River.
Left picture is Control Plot, Right picture is Treatment Plot (Application period: 24 March 2017 ~ 29 May 2017)
Mr Wee owner of the 10 acres of 7 – 8 years oil palm trees at Banting.
Location: Padang Tengku
Acreage : 6 Acres
Oil palm tree age: 10 years old
Application period : April – August, 2017
Foliar application: Weekly
Before foliar application: Total 1 Mt for 6 Acres (166.67Kg per Acre) on March, 2017. On July, 2017 collected 4Mt for 6 Acres (666.67Kg per Acre)
Remarks: During April – August 2017, no NPK fertilizer was applied to his oil palm trees.
Other oil palm trees in his 6 acres farm began to have productivity and fresh fruit bunch begins to be bigger.