Sugar Alcohol Chelated Calcium
Single element water soluble fertilizer
Suitable for fruit trees & vegetative fruits
Calcium (Ca) is a divalent cation that is extremely important in maintaining the strength of stems and stalks of plants. This mineral also regulates the absorption of nutrients across plasma cell membranes. Calcium functions in plant cell elongation and division, structure and permeability of cell membranes, nitrogen metabolism, and carbohydrate translocation.
Roles of Calcium in Plant Nutrition
- Proper cell division & elongation
- Proper cell wall development
- Quality and Storage Life
- Disease Mitigation – Calcium Pectate in Cell Walls
- Assist Nutrient Uptake
Advantages of Sugar Alcohol Chelated Calcium
- High purity of Calcium and 100% soluble in water, plants can be fully absorb and utilize, which makes the product suitable for foliar application.
- Through advanced organic polymerization process production, product is very stable and well balance formula mixture. This product can be mix with a variety of agricultural pesticides.
- Easy application and will not cause damage to the foliage of the plant. After fully diluted, it can be directly spray onto the crops, fruits and vegetables.
- Sugar Alcohol Chelated Calcium slightly alkaline, does not contain inorganic salts. Therefore, it can quickly penetrate the waxy plant epidermis for easy absorption.
Benefits of Sugar Alcohol Chelated Calcium
- Calcium are quickly absorbed by the leafs
- Improves the building of cell walls
- Provides structural integrity to the cell wall in plants
- Improves the diseases resistance
- Improves the consistency of the vegetal tissues and fruits
- Prevents fruit-rot and cracking
Suitable for
Banana, Cocoa, Oil Palm, Paddy, Lemon, Mango, Corn, Ladies Fingers, Pumpkin, Papaya, Vanilla, Chili, Tomato, Rock Melon, Tapioca, Yam, Vegetables, Rose, Jasmine, Water Lilies and Flowering plants.
Product Typical Analysis
- Calcium content: 18.00 %
- Nitrogen content: 0.50 %
- Insolubility: 0.50 %
- pH: 5 – 7
Application Rate
For foliar spray: 1ml mix into 1 – 1.5 L of water.
Application frequency: Weekly
- Avoid mixing with strong acids, alkaline substances and oxidants.
- Avoid use under bright sun light.
- Sealed and keep in dry place at room temperature.
- Keep out of children reach.
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